Coffee Time, 2023-04-16

As I think I’ve already established on this blog, for me, no time is coffee time, but even though I don’t drink coffee, this made for a very entertaining puzzle. Especially the black background was challenging, and I had one tricky false fit. Still loved it!

Coffee Time, Trefl, 500 pieces. Competed on April 16, 2023.

Today is Mayday Eve (vappu in Finnish), when most people drink something stronger than coffee. To recover, we all have the day off tomorrow. Happy May Day!

Gothic Novels, 2023-04-16

I’m not sure how many of these images are references to specific books, but I definitely see the portrait of Dorian Gray, maybe Wuthering Heights on the left, and both the coffin and the coach reminds me of Dracula. Fun, but maybe not quite as much fun as I expected.

Gothic Novels, Gibsons, 1000 pieces. Completed on April 16, 2023.

The puzzle is from the Gibsons Book Club series. Qualitywise, the puzzle was good, but I was sad to see that Gibsons seem to have gone back to their old type of waxy finish. I very much preferred the smooth, silky finish that they’ve had in the past few years. Oh, well.

Vintage Posters: Transport, 2023-04-13

It’s been over three weeks since I last posted, but I’m still here. I haven’t been puzzling much lately, but I never stop completely.

This was, of course, great fun! There are three posters with bicycles, one with a car race and five with trains. Vintage trains is one of mt favourite subjects for a puzzle.

Vintage Posters: Transport, Piatnik, 1000 pieces. Completed on April 13, 2023.

It’s almost impossible to see in the image, but there’s a piece missing, from the middle image, in the black tree. I did actually find that piece after I had taken the puzzle apart.

Road Trippin’, 2023-04-01

This was great fun! The puzzles in the Zozoville series often look more challenging than they are. and this was no exception. There is so much variation in the background that it never gets boring. The first thing I did was the map, and the last the rocks on the bottom.

Road Trippin’, Heye, 2000 pieces. Completed on April 1, 2023.

Toadstool Cottage, 2023-03-25

This cottage looks so nice that it made me forget that I don’t usually like this much vegetation. The puzzle ended up much easier than I expected, because it was in two bags, so it was really two 1000-piece puzzles. I did the more difficult, left half first, but only the foliage on top was really hard. The second half was easier, but the flowers in the bottom right corner took a while.

Toadstool Cottage, Castorland, 2000 pieces. Completed on March 25, 2023.

Cheshire Cat, 2023-03-20

There is no title on the box for this puzzle, but it’s clearly a version of the Disney Cheshire Cat (and indeed, there is a Disney logo on the box). The cat itself was pretty easy, but the background with the green and red dots took a while to do. Great fun!

[Cheshire Cat], Clementoni, 500 pieces. Completed on March 20, 2023.